One-on-One Work

Ultimately, it’s our relationship with ourselves that most greatly affects our relationships with others, and allows us to create a life that’s meaningful, empowered and fulfilling.

So much of our suffering, confusion, and stuck-ness arise when we lose connection with the deeper parts of ourselves.  Our emotions begin to overwhelm, perceptions get distorted, and our relationships suffer.  The world may start to look like a painfully limited, impossibly complicated place.

I guide people into a deeper, simpler, more heart-centered space.  

When we slow down and start relating to the unseen world within us with compassion and curiosity, our true needs and longings become radiantly clear.  We begin relating to our feelings in a more spacious and effective way, processing them instead of pushing them away.  We discover the humbling truth of how conditioned our mind is, and how our old patterns have clouded our vision and blocked our path.  We open ourselves to experiencing the world in new, perhaps more truthful ways.  The illusion of complexity fades and we experience a natural, essential simplicity from deep within.  Our innate wisdom, vibrancy, and gifts blossom.  We feel more calm, centered, and empowered.


Turning Towards the Human Experience

Nothing is wrong with you, and nothing ever has been.  You don’t need to be fixed.  At times you may feel confused, lost, or utterly hopeless.  This doesn’t mean anything is broken.  Wherever you are in your unfolding, be it agony or joy, is the utterly perfect reflection of where you’re at in your journey, the beliefs you’ve created, the parts you’ve integrated and not yet integrated, and the healing you have and haven’t done.

We’re all doing the very best we can, given a lifetime of conditioning.  Our very best will, at different times, look empowered or hopeless, gentle or harsh, engaged or checked out, compassionate or frustrated — or anything in between.

When we don’t know how to relate to our emotions and the difficult places within, we rely on unconscious strategies of self-regulation and pain avoidance.  They work for awhile.  Yet ultimately they limit our choices and diminish our vibrancy.  We hobble through life feeling unworthy, fearful, and disconnected.  These feelings of stagnancy, rage, loneliness, or depression are invitations to look within, heal, and integrate more of ourselves.  Once we understand why you’re showing up the way you are, we can move to make some profound shifts

“Michael has freed me from a lot of things I have been dealing with for decades.”

~ Nancy Anderson, Lafayette, Colorado


Sitting in the Fire, Together

On the other side of our pain lies an expansiveness of calm and possibility.  To access it, we need to be with our pain in a more embodied way, with loving and courageous awareness.  This process can be challenging.  Yet ultimately it’s radically simple.  My work guides you to your edge, supports you as you lean into it, and makes sure you honor the subtleties of your own boundaries.  Along the way, you will:

  • Feel deeply seen, lovingly understood, and honored, exactly where you are.
  • Experience your emotions with gentleness, curiosity, and increasing self-awareness.  
  • Live as your truest, most alive and empowered self.
  • Uproot and release the unconscious beliefs and mental conditioning keeping you stuck and suffering.
  • Metabolize undigested emotional experiences from the past by tapping into your natural intelligence.
  • Learn to relate to pain, fear, and difficult emotions in ways that create healing, freedom, and empowerment.  
  • Create conscious, balanced habits that serve your deep needs, desires, and purpose.
  • Integrate your insights between sessions with potent, customized practices.

If you’re on an evolutionary journey and ready to lean into your growing edges with openness and courage, I’d be honored to help.

“I like to think of my life as before I met Michael, and after.  He has given me the tools to completely transform my life – he is truly gifted at what he does.” 

~ Travis Ruskis, San Francisco, CA

Contact me today to discuss how we can work together.
